Monday 25 March 2013

My performance rehearsal shots

Wires from the studio.

3 of the boys practicing.

Cauly practicing.


And again.


And again.


And again.

Lovely shot of a piano.

And the inside of it.

Some pictures taken whilst filming my narrative

Ellie looking happy in the trees.

This is where I shot my opening.

Looking out from the rocks were I filmed.

Ellie looking for a safe route up the rocks.

More rocks from the are of filming.

More green area.

My tripod.

Ellie climbing safely.

Another opening shot of mine.

The sun was on our side.

Ellie climbed to the top safely, yey.

The dull dark afternoons started to appear.

And again.

Snow came.

The opening shots that were filmed previously, now covered in snow.

Our friend Jack popped by to help a hand.

Carrying everything.

A large gale took over for the day.

Problems I faced whilst filming and how I worked with them

Throughout my filming of this music video one problem I faced was the changes in the weather. The days I had a camera and filmed Ellie the weather was not always on our side. We were hit by rain, snow, wind and the odd bit of sunshine. We still went ahead filming to see if we could get any good shots for future reference. I liked many of these 'practice' shots so incorporated them into my actual video which them gave me the idea to expand my story line though seasons having my actress not only look alone and lost but to do so all year round. I find this a very effective feature in my music video.

Also my actress, Ellie, after filming my ‘running’ shot, picked up an injury from one of her sporting activities which but a halt on filming more of these shots in different weathers. Never the less we managed to use the time we had whilst the sun was out to film my introduction shots.

Draft Ten

Draft Nine

Draft Eight

Draft Seven

Draft Six

Draft Five

Draft Four

Draft Three

Draft Two